document 230


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Bernard Sherris
Duff Gordon & Cía
Lugar de origen: 

Shipped in good Orden and well Conditioned, by Duff Gordon & Cª.
in an upon the good Ship called the Superior
whereof if Master: for this present voyage, Bernard Sherris
and now riding at Anchor in the Bay of Cadiz and bound
for Liverpool
Twenty Quartercask of Sherry
JPN (símbolo P) 2 QrCks
JPN (símbolo) 2 go
JPN (triángulo P) 8 go
JPN (triángulo) 8 go
Being marked and numbered as in the Margin and are to be delivered in the like good
Oden and well Conditioned, at the aforesaid Port of Liverpool (the Act of God,
The King´s Enemies, Fire and all and every other Dangers and Accidents of the Seas, Rivers and Navigation,
Of whatever Nature and Kind soever; save Risk of Boats, so far ar Ships are liable thereto excepted) unto
Or der
Os to Afsignshe or they paying Freight for the said Goods fifty pence shillings
Litre of eight 9 cents & ten fr. Cent
with Primage and Average accustomed. Inwitnefs whereof the Master or Purser of the said
Ship hath affirmed to 3 Bills of Landing, all of this Tenor & Date; the One of wich 3
Bills being accomplished, the other 2, to stand void. Dated in Cadiz 22th June 1841
Contents unknown & not
Accountable for leakage
Bernard Sherris

Shipped in good Orden and well Conditioned, by Duff Gordon & Cª.
in an upon the good Ship called the Superior
whereof if Master: for this present voyage, Bernard Sherris
and now riding at Anchor in the Bay of Cadiz and bound
for Liverpool
Twenty Quartercask of Sherry
JPN (símbolo P) 2 QrCks
JPN (símbolo) 2 go
JPN (triángulo P) 8 go
JPN (triángulo) 8 go
Being marked and numbered as in the Margin and are to be delivered in the like good
Oden and well Conditioned, at the aforesaid Port of Liverpool (the Act of God,
The King´s Enemies, Fire and all and every other Dangers and Accidents of the Seas, Rivers and Navigation,
Of whatever Nature and Kind soever; save Risk of Boats, so far ar Ships are liable thereto excepted) unto
Or der
Os to Afsignshe or they paying Freight for the said Goods fifty pence shillings
Litre of eight 9 cents & ten fr. Cent
with Primage and Average accustomed. Inwitnefs whereof the Master or Purser of the said
Ship hath affirmed to 3 Bills of Landing, all of this Tenor & Date; the One of wich 3
Bills being accomplished, the other 2, to stand void. Dated in Cadiz 22th June 1841
Contents unknown & not
Accountable for leakage
Bernard Sherris

Página 1